Tuesday 20 October 2015

Continuity Task Evaluation

What we did?

For our continuity project, we decided on doing a simplistic scene where I walked up the stairs, through two doors and into a classroom where I had a conversation with 2 people (Joe and Lewis). We decided on this idea for our continuity task because it was simple and it was easy to get the right camera movements and editing techniques for.

What went well?

One of the things that went well in our continuity task was the fact that we incorporated the 3 key rules (match on action; shot/reverse shot; and the 180 degree rule) in our task. This went well because it shows that we have basic camera skills and editing skills, giving off a good impression. Another thing that went well in our continuity task was that everything went in one fluid motion with no jump cuts in it. This is good to go well because it shows that I can edit a film together to show a clear linear story , tear her than having random shots edited together with context.

What I need to improve for next time?

One of the things that I need to improve for next time is that I need to stop looking at the camera at certain places. This is something I need to improve on for next time because when a film director looks at the piece of film and sees someone looking directly at the camera, it would look unprofessional to them and the actor would not get cast. Another thing that I need to improve on for next time is that at the conversation part, it needs to be all the same. This is something I need to improve on because it shows a lack of editing skill and looks unprofessional.

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